About Us
The world of development continues to evolve at full speed. Learning new technologies, patterns and even paradigms is essential in our careers. At Lenio_ one of our fundamental principles is to be proactive and always keep learning to launch new ideas, develop useful skills, play with new frameworks or libraries and, above all, share these experiences with the rest of the team. We learn together, internally pushing everyone to ask fearlessly and to take the time to help others. Some of these learning experiences are channeled into our ongoing Lenio_ Talks cycle, and others are refined in articles.
Part of Leniolabs’ Culture is to promote each person’s personal growth through spaces where we can develop and expand our abilities and soft skills. We offer English classes, internal technical talks, we push ourselves to write, speak and communicate our ideas and projects better, driving our participation in events throughout the community to continue spreading knowledge. We believe that sharing is the best way to learn.
We were born remote. Communication and collaboration are our most valuable principles. We expect our teammates to be open and honest in their interactions; we don't like black boxes or lone wolves. We strive to create a workplace where all skill levels can grow and find opportunities that suit them.
We encourage independent thinking and horizontal relationships, avoiding hard-coded rules by fostering an environment of respect and responsibility.
We believe that being the best it's a balance between the 5 following pillars:
- Technical Skills
- Communicational Skills
- Methodology
- Responsibility
- Teamwork
We are motivated to see growth not only in our members but in the entire community, we know that from our place we can positively impact the software industry. We are an active part of the ecosystem and part of our practice includes the contribution to Open Source projects. We are nurtured by constant contact with the community, it helps us to exercise the power to always solve problems from the best possible position while keeping us up to date with the latest technology trends. How does that affect our client’s projects? When our team works with Open Source libraries that require adjustments to adapt or have some flaw, we will correct those libraries directly from the source, improving your projects with the best possible performance solution.
As contributors to the Open Source community, we also have our own open projects like Layoutit! Grid and Layoutit! Bootstrap, tools that help thousands of users per day, saving development time and also helping developers to learn new web specifications.
Leniolabs is being built by devs, and for devs. And as developers running our own software company, we developed our own internal organization software, one of our most valuable products in the market.
Our aim is to guide our clients and ultimately all the people using their products towards the best, more inclusive, more universal experience they can have on the web we love; and to create quality software that both the team and the client can be proud of.

Lenio_ Talks
Every Thursday, one of us here at Leniolabs gives an open talk sharing a subject they are passionate about. We have had talks about web technologies from frameworks like React, Vue or svelte, Native development, state management libraries, testing, and many others. Preparing a talk is a great way to learn about new patterns and libraries, or share lessons learned during past experiences. But the Lenio_ talks cycle is not only about programming. We welcome topics on soft skills, like how to be a good teammate, the importance of communication, negotiation, and project management. Even talks about keeping ourselves healthy, taking care of our nutrition, making the best out of the flexibility we have while working from home.
In parallel, we had several special workshops about web development, that are longer and with a more involved audience.
We want to share some of the talks that resonated the most with our team. We hope you enjoy them.
Watch all talks in YouTube ›
At Leniolabs we like to share our knowledge and experiences, that's why we are launching a 100% free web development bootcamp so that more people can learn with us.
- Git / Github
- Javascript
- React
Bootcamp duration: 2 months
Duration: 2 times a week (1.5 hours duration)

Leni is our official mascot. Was born as a slack bot to do internal communications and ended up being one of the team. We have their emojis in slack, a set of stickers for android and even their own Instagram filters.
Also in the Lab section you will find some of our video games made with Leni.
Stickers pack
To import the stickers to your cell phone first download this app for Android or iOS. Then open the files using Sticker Maker, and from there add the stickers to WhatsApp.
Download Pack of Stickers ›Instagram filters
Our emojis in Slack
Click on the emojis you want to download or create your own emojis with our Lenimatic online!
Create Lenis online ›-