Our AI projects

Video Summarizer
Use AI to instantly summarize video into its most important fragments. Saves time and effort by automating the transcription process. Provides a comprehensive and accurate transcription of the video content. Makes it easy to navigate and follow along with the video content
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Make All Tables Accessible in One Click! Works in all HTML tables, captioning takes 2 seconds. Free to use. Forever.
Easily create useful and informative table captions hassle-free, quickly customize settings, and get up and running in no time. Turn complex data into meaningful and descriptive table captions for better insight and decision-making.
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AI Data Dashboard
Use ChatGPT to create Data Visualizations using prompts and custom datasets.
Set up your API Key from Open AI. Upload your CSV dataset. DataDashboard will automatically visualize your data using ChatGTP.
You will find the prompt model used to make the #dataviz along with the javascript code provided to export it directly into your project.
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Document Redactor
Say hello to our newest creation: the Document Redactor! It’s a free online tool for PDF editing and entity recognition.
Upload your file and start editing your document. Up to 21 different entities can be recognized automatically. You can edit, delete, and add more items as you need, then download the file or send it to your email!
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PrompTree is an exploration around the UI of ChatGPT, we are combining their UI with concepts from git. Like the commit history, merging, branching, forking, etc.
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LayoutIt! allows users to create their frontend code simple and quickly.
We developed this as an internal project aiming to speed development time and was launched in 2013 for free. It’s currently used by more than 5000 unique users daily, with more than 200,000 users registered.
LayoutIt! has been featured and reviewed by thousand of blogs and tech news providing an excellent free alternative to other paid services that aim to solve a similar problem.
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My Lenio
Remote Management made easy.
My Lenio is the proper way to manage all of your teams, in one place.
Mail us at: mylenio@leniolabs.com
Processes and organizational consulting Leveraging Leniolabs' own experience in self-organizing a fast-growing, flat organization, we can help your own organization to face chaos or simply to meet a compliance goal. Focused on Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SME), we rely on MyLenio, the SaaS platform we built to solve our own procedural problems. We strongly believe it can help your organization as well!
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Rest Gis
The map you want, the way you need it.
A simple API that provides geographic data for any location in the world, with support for GeoJSON, TopoJSON and SVG. Use REST GIS to search for a place and instantly get its geometry collection.

Design System Builder
A design system builder based on Material UI that lets you customize the theme and tooling, and then download the project to quickly start building your components library.
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Data Research
Exploring complex data visualizations from wordwide trending topics!
The Lenio_ Research Team creates beautiful interactive visualizations merging new technologies, design, and data possibilities.

Charrrts is a new tool in development that lets you create dashboards based on processed data uploaded to the application. It aims to become an all-in-one data visualization solution.
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